Affordable Pricing

At George Baker Aviation we pride ourselves on giving you a good value for your money.  We provide a high quality of maintenance service for very competitive prices. With periodic customer updates, written job estimates, and no action until approval policies; rest assured that we are as careful with your money as you are.

Maintenance Shop Rate


Avionics Shop Rate



Fixed Rate Pricing

We also offer many “fixed rate” items to help you estimate you expenses.


Beechcraft T-34 Mentor


Beechcraft 35 - 36


Beechcraft Turbo Normalized A-36



Beechcraft B55 & 58 Baron


Beechcraft 58P & 58TC Baron


Landing Gear

Beechcraft Landing Gear Re-seal

$680 each

Beechcraft Landing Gear Refurbishment

$1,800 each

Beechcraft Landing Gear Re-seal with full strip media blast, epoxy prime and repaint or powdercoat.

Landing Gear 2000-Hour Service


Beechcraft recommended 2000 hour replacement of landing gear retract rod ends, down-lock springs, up-lock springs, & shear pins. *Plus parts and labor

Beechcraft Shimmy Damper Reseal


Beechcraft Brake Caliper Reseal

$150 each*

*plus pads (if required)

Beechcraft Main Landing Gear Actuator Overhaul


*Required Seals and Bearings if needed + R & R

Beechcraft Landing Gear Rig


Other Services

Beechcraft Brake Caliper Reseal

$150 each*

*plus pads (if required)

TCM Fuel Flow Set-up


DSS Dynamic Propeller Balance



VFR Certification / Transponder check only



IFR Certification


Up to 2 Altimeters, Transponder, & Encoder, Pitot & Static System integrity. ** Price reflects a leak free system. Any repairs or troubleshooting of a leaking Pitot or Static system above acceptable limits will be billed at $145 per hour